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What is most alarming about 2/8/24 & β€œMAGA stooges” is the coordinated timing of events, obvously orchestrated, from Putin & Carlson & many many youtube & X feeds & promos, to the bumbling SCOTUS numbskulls being quite ok w/ongoing insurrection, to this blatant political attack on Biden from INSIDE the DOJ, shades of Comey dirty tricks, to every legacy media outlet regurgitating attacks on Biden while covering the β€œvictory” of Trump in a rigged NV caucus, where he was basically the only candidate.

Epic WTF folks, this is way, way worse than the troll & bot attacks on twitter in 2016, this is a society wide hybrid war being waged from within our information environment, using Putin’s decades of experience undermining & subverting elections around the world. Most sad, the deranged defendant at the center of all this shitstorm floodzone is a fraudulent, moronic, ugly & hateful bumblefuck. Being given the gold card at every checkpoint. Β»> https://vote.org

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